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Retrieving Screening Data

You will receive a webhook with type screening.aml.completed indicating that the scan has been completed.

Webhooks (HTTP POST requests) will be sent to the webhook callback URL you provide to the GlobalPass support team. When receiving these requests, ensure that the body value of "secret" matches the webhook secret we will provide.

Example webhook
"type": "screening.aml.completed",
"data": {
"screeningToken": "f4564d3d-69de-4093-971d-796699c0e8c5"
"secret": "secret"

To get overview of scan results, make an HTTP GET request to:


Example request
curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer {your_access_token}'
Example response #1
"amlMatchExists": true,
"totalMatches": 3,
"highestScore": 96
Example response #2
"amlMatchExists": false,
"totalMatches": 0

To retrieve AML scan results from a completed screening, make an HTTP GET request to:


Example request
curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer {your_access_token}'
Example response
"screeningToken": "9519c730-5d6e-4c23-b89a-8c4d06899e7f",
"created": "2022-12-28T11:04:25.0931836Z",
"matches": [
"name": "Ali, Muhamad",
"matchScore": 99.99999,
"category": "Enforcement",
"subCategory": "Corruption",
"source": {
"name": "ZA-South African Police Service",
"countryName": "South Africa",
"countryCode": "ZAF"
"name": "Ali, Mohammad",
"matchScore": 91.11111,
"level": "National",
"category": "PEP",
"subCategory": "Former PEP",
"source": {
"name": "Website",
"countryName": "International"
"name": "Ali Mohammed",
"matchScore": 74.44444,
"category": "Sanction List",
"source": {
"name": "US-U.S. Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) - SDN List",
"countryName": "United States",
"countryCode": "USA"


nameName of the detected possible AML match
matchScoreAML match strength. Values up to 99.9999 (highest possible strength)
categoryAML match category. Possible categories: "Sanction List", "PEP", "Adverse Media", "Enforcement". One match will have one category.
subCategoryAvailable only for PEP, Adverse Media and Enforcement categories. Specifies subcategory of the main category (e.g., PEP – Family Member, Adverse Media – Burglary, etc.).
levelAvailable only for PEP category. Specifies PEP level – "International", "National", "State", or "Local".
sourceInformation about the source of the AML hit
source.nameName of the source of the hit. Will return exact name of the source when the hit was found on an original list. Will return "Website" when the hit was found in media sources.
source.countryNameFull name of the country that listed the hit (e.g., country that released a sanction list where the hit was count). Will return full country name of the source when the hit was found on an original list. Will return "International" when the hit was found in media sources, or in case of "Consolidated Sanctions List" hit.
source.countryCode3-letter code in ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 format of the country that released the hit. Available only when countryName is not "International", but a specific country.

To access any given transaction AML screening, you can navigate to: