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AML for Transactions integration

AML for Transactions allows screening any data of an individual or a business and retrieving AML screening results. It is used for transaction monitoring, to screen the counterparties and financial institutions of a transaction.

To initiate an AML screening of a transaction data, make an HTTP POST request to:


Request headers:

Content-Type: application/json

Request data:

givenNamesFull name of an individual or an entity
surnameSurname or Last Name (optional)
genderPossible values: Male and Female (optional)
dateOfBirthDate of Birth (optional)
nationalityISO 3166-1 alpha-3 compliant country code (optional)
externalIdExternal identifier (your unique identifier of the transaction, not used in AML results) (optional)
Example request
curl -X 'POST' \'' \-H 'accept:text/plain' \-H'Authorization: Bearer {your\_access\_token}'\-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-d '{"givenNames": "Donald John","surname": "Trump","gender": "Male","nationality": "USA","dateOfBirth": "1946-06-14","externalId": "123456789"}'
Example response
"token": "f4564d3d-69de-4093-971d-796699c0e8c5"