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Document Forensic Analysis

Begin by getting a screening token as described in KYC screenings, or use a screening token that belongs to a specific user whose document you are about to send to forensic analysis.

Make a HTTP POST request to: /api/v1/screenings/{screeningToken}/forensics

Request headers:

Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Request data:

Files: File sent to forensic analysis

Tag: String describing the type of document uploaded (optional)

Example request
curl --location --request POST ' bf42e9f1-9af8-4a6b-a1fd-9440f1fe9bfd/forensics' --header 'Authorization: Bearer {your_access_token}' --form 'Files=@"/C:/Image1.jpg"' --form 'Tag="TransferExplanation"'

Response returns the ID of the forensic analysis report:

Example response
"id": "b538fac5-ab02-4af6-aae0-04046eb143cc"

After the forensic analysis status changes, you will receive forensics.change webook:

"type": "forensics.change",
"data": {
"ForensicAnalysisId": "b538fac5-ab02-4af6-aae0-04046eb143cc"

Read about webhook headers here.


If you are currently using V1 webhooks version (intergation completed on July 2024 and earlier), please read this article for update instructions.

To get forensics status, make an HTTP GET request to /api/v1/screenings/{screeningToken}/forensics/{forensicsId}

Example request
curl --location --request GET ' bf42e9f1-9af8-4a6b-a1fd-9440f1fe9bfd/forensics/b538fac5-ab02-4af6-aae0-04046eb143cc' --header 'Authorization: Bearer {your_access_token}'
Example response #1
"status": "LikelyGenuine",
"comments": ["Forensic Analysis of the document has been completed successfully."]
"status": "Edited",
"comments": ["The metadata appears to be manually deleted or edited in some way. Please provide the original document without any alterations."]
"status": "BadData",
"comments": ["The file cannot be verified as the document cannot be reviewed. Please make sure to provide an original, unaltered version of the file and make sure it is not password protected or restricted from viewing."]
"status": "Forged",
"comments": ["Forensic Analysis of the document was not completed successfully as it appears that the document may have been forged."]

Possible status values:

  • LikelyGenuine
  • Edited
  • BadData
  • Forged

To access any given forensic analysis report, you can navigate to: